Detect chlamydia infection in time

The Geratherm® Chlamydia Check is used to detect an infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. If left untreated, it can lead to infertility and increase the risk of premature birth. Regular testing for possible infection is therefore advisable. With the Geratherm® Chlamydia Check you get the result within a few minutes.


Early detection

Chlamydia trachomatis infections often cause no symptoms. Regular testing allows you to detect a Chlamydia infection at an early stage.


The chlamydia rapid test is intended for home use. Test quickly and discreetly at home.


The test has a diagnostic sensitivity of 85.7% and a diagnostic specificity of 98.3%.

Questions and answers

The Geratherm® chlamydia check is a rapid immunochromatographic test. The Chlamydia trachomatis antigen is qualitatively detected by the test using the sample of vaginal mucus taken with the swab.


In the clinical performance evaluation with 596 participants, this test achieved a diagnostic sensitivity of 85.7% and a diagnostic specificity of 98.3% compared to the PCR method. No cross-reactions are known.


Please visit your doctor to discuss the result with him. Please take these instructions for use with you to your doctor's visit so that your doctor can get a better picture of which test you have performed.

The appearance of a colored line in the control window (C) tells you that you have performed the test correctly.

No, the Geratherm® chlamydia check can only be used on women.